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  • We help investors find and buy multifamily assets

Market Dashboard

Below is a snapshot of the year over year number of sales and sales volume for all 10+ unit conventional assets in the northern half of Florida (see coverage map below).

Asset Unit Size Breakdown

  • The above graphics depict the combined asset unit breakdown for all our blue-shaded markets for all 10+ unit assets and combines conventional, student, and affordable/senior unit types.
  • For a breakdown per market and per unit type, click on “resources” in the menu bar and select the market

In the Florida markets we cover highlighted in blue on the map, there are 2,045 apartment complexes over 10 units that are owned by 961 +/- investors. There are 983 complexes over 100 units that are owned by only 451 +/- investors.

99.48% of investors are from the U.S. (38 total states) and only 0.41% are from Canada.

80.54% of these owners reside in the following 5 states.

  1. Florida  -  60.46%
  2. New York  -  7.08%
  3. California  - 6.56%
  4. Georgia  -  3.85%
  5. Texas  -  2.60%

In the Florida markets we cover highlighted in blue on the map, there are 2,045 apartment complexes over 10 units that are owned by 961 +/- investors. There are 983 complexes over 100 units that are owned by only 451 +/- investors.

99.48% of investors are from the U.S. (38 total states) and only 0.41% are from Canada.

80.54% of these owners reside in the following 5 states.

  1. Florida  -  60.46%
  2. New York  -  7.08%
  3. California  - 6.56%
  4. Georgia  -  3.85%
  5. Texas  -  2.60%

Did you know in the central/north Florida markets we cover:

Of all the inventory that exists over 10 units in the markets we cover in the above map 68.51% of the inventory is conventional housing, 11.20% is student, and 20.29% are affordable or senior. Here are some additional stats on the inventory that sold:

*Stats for Trailing 12 months ending 2nd Quarter 2024 and combine Classes A, B, and C.  Please note the smaller number of sales in Student and Affordable make assumptions in those categories less reliable.

What does it mean to be a big dog?

The following stats are about the investors who own the assets in our covered Florida markets.

Top 1% own 9% of assets (187 properties or 21 properties each)
Top 2% own nearly 18% of assets (359 properties or 27 properties each)
Top 5% own 28% of assets (525 properties or 17 properties each)
62% own only 1 property and 17% own only 2 properties each
80% own 45% of the properties (2 properties each)
20% own the remaining 55% of properties (16 properties each)
Stats as of EST

For the trailing 3 years, we’ve helped investors achieve a sale price that, on average, resulted in a 18.74% per year increase in value and a 3.62 multiple of their purchase price from the time they acquired the asset.

  • 0%
  • 100%
  • 200%
  • 300%
  • 400%
Value Increase Per Year
  • 18.74%
Multiple of Purchase Price
  • x 3.62

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Trinity Property Group